I participated in the Gulf Power Inshore Tournament benefitting The Ronald McDonald House. We did well, but in a first place only tourney, second place isn't worth much. Literally, the Redfish that bested ours came in with less than 30 seconds left.
In another near miss, during the RFRA inshore slam, we were again bumped (barely off the leaderboard) with little time remaining in the event. Our Flounder did hold up for 3rd in the calcutta.
I've also had the opportunity to fish with some of you recently, and I'm sure you've been showing off those big Redfish we've been catching. And likely telling slightly false renditions of otherwise factual events. It's ok... I've been doing the same thing! Here are a few highlights from recent trips. Ken, Jim (who may look familiar from past posts), Johnny, and Wayne were all visibly excited by their Redfish.

Nancys Gag Grouper put up a fight on 12# tackle but didn't quite make the state minimum of 22", and was released.

My tournament partner, Capt Dusty Powers, and I have been invited to fish in the Oh Boy! O'Berto Redfish Cup Qualifier in Venice, La, Oct 23-24. This is the only way into the Redfish Cup for 2009, other than finishing in a top position in 2008.
Anyone in Pensacola and the neighboring areas, come see the Redfish Cup Championship this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the Pensacola seafood festival, downtown Pensacola. These guys are fishing for a $100,000 first prize! It's going to be exciting! I'll be running a camera boat on Sat. and Sun., come down and say hi.
Capt. D.P. and I are also competing in the IFA Championship coming up in early November in Panama City.
The White Trout have started to show up in their normal Fall haunts over the last few weeks. Live shrimp are excellent baits and cut bait will often do the trick, but a 1/4 oz. jighead and a grub or Gulp! bounced along the bottom is hard to beat. Kingfish are also being caught in the bay, slow-trolling live Pogys and Mullet usually yields the best results. Get out there and FISH!
Thanks for stopping by.