Today's conditions could have been better, winds east at 10-15 knots, incoming tide, sea state: choppy to rough. But we can't let a little thing like adverse conditions get in our way. With the tide opposing the current, our weights had to be greatly increased to reach the bottom. Three ounces of lead was needed, instead of the normal half to one ounce leads. I kept the boat stern to the wind and stayed in reverse most of the morning to hold position over our aggressive quarry. The catching was slow to start, it took us a while to get everything right, but once we figured it out the catching was non-stop.

In 2 1/2 hours we went through 6 dozen live baits (shrimp and crabs) resulting in boating 18-20 nice Sheepsheads in the 4-8lb range and two 6-8lb Black Drum.

Great morning guys!!! I can't wait to do it again.