Within minutes the catching began. We stayed there for an hour and a half and must have boated 50 or so trout. It was a fish bite that I'm sure my brother-in-law and sister have never before experienced. If we would have gone home right then, it would have been a very successful outing by most anyone's standards, but we pressed on (me vowing to find bigger fish). I spent ten minutes throwing the net to catch some small pinfish to take to the Pass.
We made the run to the Navy turn basin and made a drift for Kings using a few of our White Trout as bait. No luck there, so back to the Pass for a drift with our pinfish in hopes of finding a Bull Red.(For the Dyslexic, it's a fish, not an energy drink)The first drift was a success! Shawn, connects with her first redfish, and it's a brute, 38". Our next drift and my lil' sis hooks into about a 7lb sail cat!

We decide to spend the rest of our time trying to find the reds in the Gulf. We ran down the beach in search of birds; it wasn't long before we found them. The birds were working over a school of small Spanish Mackerel, of which my son caught one, and we moved on.
About a mile further down the beach I saw a nice king sky-rocket so I pulled it back and set out two White Trout to slow troll. Five minutes later and the 12lb rod starts SCREAMING. It was so fast I think it spooked Aaron; who stood there looking at the rod as if it had just come alive. He grabbed it and the fight was on! Five minutes later we had a 20lb king at the boat. We didn't want to kill the fish, so instead of putting the steel to it, I tried to get the fish close enough to grab for a quick pic before release. Unfortunately the hook pulled before I could get a hold of the fish.

We reset and ten more minutes of trolling produced Cameron's first King. He did an excellent job and I really wanted a pic of him with this fish, it was longer then he is tall...literally. But again, I didn't want to kill this fish, and before I could boat him, the hook pulled. this fish was every bit of 25lbs plus.
Right as Cam was bringing his fish boat-side I looked up to see the Redfish turning the water white with froth as they mercilessly pummelled the bait. As soon as Cam's fish was gone we headed that way, still trolling our White Trout. As we neared the crazed school, BOTH of the White Trout get eaten. I turn towards the reels and see one of Pensacola Fishing's greatest sights... the water behind the boat had turned completely RED. There must have been dozens of big Reds SWIMMING ALONG WITH THE BOAT. I start yelling for everyone to get baits in the water. Aaron's first in, and first on, immediately followed by everyone else. By the time I realize what we've done, we have FIVE fish on. Big props here to my son, who at six, handles a fishing rod with expertise. He moves around the boat, following his fish, pumping and winding like a little pro. What a proud father am I.

We caught 8 Reds total before I realize that it's now 1145 and we're supposed to be providing the fish for our lunch at 1230...time to go. We got back to the ramp, loaded the boat and shot over to my parents house. Once there we cleaned the few White trout we'd kept for lunch, Dad fired up the fryer, Mom added the grits, beans and Cole slaw and we all enjoyed an exceptional meal.
Here's to great fishing, fresh fish lunches, and a family that I can share the experience with. I love you guys.
Capt. Josh
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