First one catfish comes over the side, then another, then another. Well, not exactly what I was looking for. I reposition a few more times with nearly the same results each time. Then, as my hopes of a nice Sheepie are almost dashed, Winston connects with a fish that begins to take line; and continues taking it. A few minutes pass before I'm sure it's not a Sheepshead on the other end. Winston is rewarded for his efforts with our catch of the day, a 17lb Redfish.

The Pass was a little choppy, and after rolling around in it for a while, Luke began not feeling well. We picked up and ran into the lagoon to try our hand at flipping shrimp around some docks. The usual suspects, Trout and Reds, were few and far between. A couple of baits got quickly wrapped around pilings and the Pinfish made quick work of nearly every shrimp we threw. A nice little Gag Grouper did make it to the boat, and we let Luke finish out the day catching those wiley little Pinfish!
The fishing was tough, but we had a great time sharing the morning and watching the kids catch fish, be it Catfish, Redfish, Grouper, or Pinfish.
Thanks again to all of you for making the morning so enjoyable.
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