Friday, May 23, 2008

22 May 2008

I picked Cam up early and took him to try to catch some croakers. We launched at Navy Point and ran around to our fishin' hole, anchored up and baited our hooks. We caught a Pinfish, a Pigfish, and a Croaker. Then Cam yells "Daddy, I got one!" I looked over and saw his 10lb outfit straining with the fish. He pulled up 2 nice White Trout. Thats about the time the bait fishing stopped. I caught a Ladyfish next, then another. We hooked a few more White Trout and Ladyfish, we couldn't get through them down to the baits we wanted.

The sky was getting dark with clouds. It looked like the rain was coming. We'd had a blast sharing sodas and fishing time, and both of us were getting a little hungry. We decided to head for home, and a hot meal.

I need to do stuff like this more can't take a kid fishing too much.

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