I woke to the home telephone ringing at 0615; about 15 min after I was supposed to meet my clients this morning. I answer the phone with, "I'm so sorry Ben, I'm on my way ". Thankfully, I prep the boat the night before each fishing trip. So off I go with a necessary stop at Grays Tackle for shrimp ahead of me. I arrive at Grays to find them sold out! On to the ramp!! No real issues at the ramp, except a flurry of apologies from me and wise-cracks from my clients Ben, Jim, James and Phil. I fished with Ben and Jim before (a very successful January trip with White Trout, Redfish, and Black Drum) but it was my first time meeting James and Phil.

We were headed to the Pass in search of Redfish. Using the same techniques that have been working so well the past few weeks, it wasn't long before rods began to bend. A hand-full of catfish caught and Ben hooks our first Red of the day; this 28" fish that we released.

Late in the morning we were paid a visit by another of our ocean dwelling friends, the Green Sea Turtle. The turtle hung around our fishing area for a few minutes, resting on the surface and getting a few breaths of fresh air, before diving again. These turtles are always a welcome sight, a creature at home in the endless open ocean, returning to the beach to breed and continue it's species.
We retruned to the pier around 1200, cleaned our fish and discussed our favorite recipes for Redfish. We all shook hands and, amid another round of wise-cracks about who'd be late next time, said good-bye; vowing to fish together again as soon as their vacation time (and wives) allowed.