After a quick bite to eat and a rinse of the boat I met David, Suzy, Heidi, and Kevin at 1330. As we made our way down the Intracoastal Waterway towards Pensacola Pass we encountered the Dragon Boat Races, taking place at a near-by marina. It was cool to see all the people on this rather small canoe, one drummer on the bow hammering out a cadence for the oarsmen to follow. We all enjoyed seeing them rowing for all they were worth, working in unison for a common goal. We slowly motored past until all was clear, put the fuel to her and made our way to the fish!

As I slowed down in the pass Heidi said that the ride itself was worth the price of admission ...boy was she in for a big surprise!!! It only took me a few minutes and I was back on the fish without a minute to spare. The rising tide was almost finished; I knew that when the tide stopped, the fish would too. Five minutes into the first drift and ...FISH ON!

Following a short fight, in the boat comes a nice size catfish. Then another, then Suzy's rod doubles over and I smile, "That's no catfish." Suzy had her hands full, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle and, showing great technique she was able to subdue our first Redfish. This fish ws the perfect slot size fish at 26 7/8" and into the box he went.

I repositioned the boat several more times, always with a different outcome. Once it's Redfish, then it's Catfish, or Bluefish ... or bottom. David put's the next Red in the boat, but this one is slightly larger than slot size at 15lbs.
A dozen or so drifts and about as much fun as possible in an afternoon later, the tide finally slowed. It's relentless rampage into the bay was over for the day. The bites dwindle as our time expired; finishing with a total of three Redfish and countless Catfish and Bluefish. Off we were for another breathtaking boat ride through scenic Big Lagoon. We returned to the pier, cleaned our fish and parted ways with big smiles and hearty handshakes, vowing to get together again for another memorable day at sea.
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