Redfish were our first target. We approached our dock, both me and DP, and began tossing live shrimp. No Redfish. DP's crew hooked and lost a nice Ladyfish and Jan put us on the board with a Flounder. We moved around, fishing a half a dozen different piers, with nothing but Pinfish to show for it. The weather was deteriorating to the north, but it was all moving to the west, away from us. We decided to head out for a King before the weather got too bad and we couldn't make it out there. At least we'd have a little while to fish til we needed to get back inshore and away from the t-storms.
It took 30 min to get enough baits to Kingfish with. Then we ran straight for one of our nearshore public reefs. A dive boat was already anchored but the crew was sitting on deck having lunch. We'd have a little while before they got in the water, so we had to make the most of it. Two Cigs went over and minutes later Amanda was hooked up with the fish of her life. A 10lb Amberjack on 12lb tackle put up one heck of a fight, but Amanda persisted, and after a few minutes we subdued the beast. Amanda was so excited!!

We reset the baits and upon one full circle of the wreck one of the reels starts to sing that sweetest of songs...Kingfish!!! Bette was on the rod and what a great job she did! We landed our King and struck out for the beach in search of Ladyfish, Bluefish, and Spanish Mackerel. Once to the beach, white jigs and Gotcha's were deployed, and we began trolling. It wasn't long and Sandra was on with a BIG Ladyfish. That's when the dolphins showed up, all the women got excited and I got upset. I raised my voice at the dolphin, and got funny looks from the chix. They didn't realize that the dolphin was, at the moment, EATING our tournament fish!!!
Sandra pulled in her Ladyfish head, all that was left after the dolphin was done with it. We did manage to pull 4 Ladyfish in before they could get eaten. A quick move to the other side of the pass produced our one Spanish of the day.
About this time my Dad calls to tell me that I need to get off the water. I told him that all that stuff was moving west and we'd be fine where we were. He says that its turned and is heading directly for us! Sure enough, here it comes.
We ran back into the bay and down towards Gulf Breeze hoping to fish a little while longer. By the time we got to the breeze the wall of water was rapidly approaching. It was 1230 or so and we figured the smart move was to head back to the dock, and that's what we did.
Our fish looked good on the leaderboard, for the time they stayed there. Our last fish on the board, Jan's Flounder, got bumped by one of the last boats to get back. Oh well...maybe next time. We all had a great time, got a free shower, and made it back safely.
Thanks again ladies, looking forward to the next one.
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