Met David, Skylar, Samantha, and Tatianna at Galvez at 0600. It's hard for me to believe that a whole year has passed since I saw these guys last! My objective for today was to prove to Skylar (the "fisherman" of the bunch) that the girls could fish just as good as he could. Boy did I ever drive that home today.
We first stopped for Pinfish to turn into Redfish, then proceeded to the Pass, where we found a serious lack of current. With the neap tide yesterday the fishing should have been on fire, but without current you can just about hang it up. We made a few drifts with no success and finally decided to spend our time chasing Kings instead.
After getting bait we ran to the Sea Buoy and began a drift for the kings. I was just about to put the kite up when my phone rang, it was Capt. D.P. His first words were, "Get back in here". Dusty was a little behind me this morning, he stopped to trout fish Big Lagoon. By the time he got to the Pass the current had started moving and sure enough the fish were biting.
I struggled to make the decision to run the 3.5 miles BACK to where I was unsuccessful just a half hour ago. It looked so good out there at the buoy, but I have great faith in Dusty's abilities and his advice. So I pulled in our lines and made the run, I'm glad that I did. It took us just a few minutes to find the reds and Samantha was the first to put a hook in one.

After a great battle, we landed Samanthas fish, a nice 28 1/2" red that we released. A few drifts later and it was Tatiannas turn to feel the power that these fish pull with. When all the grunts, groans and strains were over Tatianna held up her fish for a photo. Notice how I haven't mentioned Skylar yet??? Well he was having some troubles getting a bite. So after Samantha caught another fish, this time a catfish, we decided to go back after the kings and give Skylar another opportunity to redeem himself.

We drifted and slow-trolled to no avail, 40 min had passed without a single knock-down. I picked up and ran to a close snapper hole in hopes of finding a few kings hanging out over the reef. Upon arriving we noticed Flipper putting on a heck of a show, jumping around and slapping the water with its tail.

Although the Dolphin exhibit was great, it sure put a damper on the fishing. After slow-trolling around the wreck several times, we finally got a bite and Skylar jumped at the chance for his redemption. The drag sounded and the rod bent, Skylar had the fish coming his way and ... the hook pulled. What a day this kid is having!!! Upon further inspection it seems that he was foul-hooked into a Snapper and it just didn't hold long enough. A couple more circles around and again another bite, this time Skylar hangs on to him and boats a nice King for the grill.

On that note we head for the ramp and all the boat traffic along the way. With the Blue Angles show today the boats were out in force and the ride back to the ramp was a little bumpier than usual. We returned and cleaned our catch, shook hands and said our good-byes ... until next year.
Thank you again David, Skylar, Samantha and Tatianna for a wonderful morning.
Capt Josh