I met John, Jon, Cal, and Zack at Galvez at 0600 for a 5hr excursion. Our first stop was for bait; and after a couple of throws with the net we had what we needed and proceeded to the Pass. When we got there we found boiling current and loads of jellyfish, not condusive for fishing. On to plan "B", Mackerel.
A short stop at the bait boat, and a couple dozen Cigar Minnows later, we were on to the Sea Buoy. We set up a drift with five live baits; One on the downrigger at 35', two flatlines to the windward side, and two more on the kite. Fifteen minutes into the drift we get our first King Mackerel, a nice fish in the 7lb range, off the downrigger. Another 10 min pass and John sees a fish messing with the far kite bait. He grabs everyones attention just in time for us all to watch in awe as an8-10lb fish sky-rockets 15 feet out of the water after the Cig hanging from the kite. Immediately, the closer kite bait gets eaten and Cal fights this fish to the boat.

The wind began to die so we decided to go try our luck with the Snapper. Our first spot produced the best with all three of our legal Reds and the nice Schoolmaster. Then, on our last stop of the day, John sees two fish swimming by the boat, Barracuda. They ate three or four baits before a hook finally found its mark and Zack brought him boatside for a quick photo op and a release.

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