Wednesday, July 18, 2007

15 July 2007

Met Dave and Brian at Shoreline at 0600 and to the Pass we went. Our first twenty minutes or so were fairly uneventful except for watching the show as Capt D.P. slayed them right next to us. A little further adjusting and we started catching too.

Dave hooked the first one and that's when I reached for my camera... and realized I'd left it at home! Oh well, no pics for today! We caught a total of five Redfish before deciding to do something else. Three of those fish were 15-20lbs and the other two were in the slot.

A stop at the bait boat and a run to the snapper hole and the fishing resumed amid red snappers, small ones. We must have thrown back 8 before landing one big enough, but that fish was 7-8lbs. Dave and I really wanted Brian to catch a King and the ones that had been hanging around this wreck for the past week just weren't here today. Another move was in order. We trolled live baits around three different wrecks before the weather and the time both forced us home, without our Kingfish. Although the Kings evaded us the day was a success, a FUN one.

Thank you Dave and Brian, I look forward to fishing with you again.

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