We started our morning in Big Lagoon, working over the deep grass with soft plastic jerk-baits and top water poppers. The first stop of the morning produced one nice 17" Trout and a couple more throw-backs. After a few drifts we motored over to pick up the bait trap; and after loading 15-18 Pinfish into the well we were off to try our luck around some area docks, with slow results. We threw back a fish or two and made the quick run to the area that held the big Trout I caught with the boys last weekend.
In the middle of our second drift it happened again. Shane's morning had been slow, Garland releasing most of the small fish earlier. Shane had been pretty quiet all day and even a WELL bent rod didn't part his lips. I looked up to see him white knuckled onto the rod. "Looks like a better fish", I told him and he quickly agreed. Once I got sight of the fish I was floored, another nearly 4lb Trout! We boated the fish with high fives all around, it tipping the scale at 3.75lbs.

One more drift and we decided to try for our redfish so to the Pass we went.
In the middle of our second drift in the Pass and its FISH ON!! Again Shane hooks the fish and doesn't say a word until we notice him, silently struggling to tame the running fish. Shane subdued a perfect 6+lb slot Red that we added to the live well.

Our time ended for the morning, we ran back to the ramp , cleaned our fish and said our fair-wells until our next opportunity to fish together comes around.
Thank you Garland and Shane, I had a great time cutting up with you two. I can't remember the last time that I laughed for 5 straight hours!!!
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