I began by showing them a few places that they could Trout fish early in the morning, then we headed to the Pass where I showed them how to drift for Redfish. It was a few drifts before both Taylor and Seth were hooked up to a double. Seths, a nice grouper, Taylors, a redfish, in the form of a 7lb, 27" beauty.

Satisfied that they could do this themselves, we went to the bait boat for a big scoop of live cigar minnows. We baited our lines as we neared the sea buoy and set out three swimmers to find us a King Mackerel. A school of Bonito rose to the surface yards away, and after several unsuccessful attempts, Jeff lands a hefty fish. Then came the mackerel! We caught seven over the course of an hour and a half or so, all on 12lb tackle! The kids did a great job handling the speeding fish.
With little time left for us to fish we decided to hit a public snapper hole just a couple of miles away. We arrived to find Capt Tony already anchored there; so we fished as close as comfortable for both boats. Tony said that the bite had slowed considerably, but we still managed to lose a few baits. Even put a nice snapper in the box to finish out the trip ... well almost!!!
En route to the pass, just around the sea buoy, the propeller hub decided it was tired of holding on and just let go! I was able to maintain a top speed of 7.5 mph ( better than zero ). Needless to say, it was a looong ride back to Shoreline. We arrived back at the pier about an hour and 45 later than we intended, cleaned our catch, and said our salutations. Jeff was excited about the rest of the week, and the kids were ready for a nap!

Thanks again Jim, Jeff, Taylor, and Seth.
P.S. I heard from Jim, he told me that Jeff, his wife and the kids caught a couple Redfish on their own on Thursday! Congratulations, Jeff, nice job!!!
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